Our most requested feature from day 1?
The ability to set goals in advance.
For many folks (including myself) it's kinda awkward to have to set goals in the morning, instead of the night before.
So the good news is that Joel just finished coding the feature - you can now go to tomorrow and set goals. And you're also able clone any goal into tomorrow.
This is especially useful for repeating routines (eg- Do coaching 😅) - now it's just a single tap to copy them over.
The new version will roll out soon - you'll get the upgrade prompt within a day if not already.
On reflection, this example reinforces the benefit of using the app ourselves each day. It's one thing to hear it from clients, and it's multiplied to "feel the pain" as a user first hand.
Now, tomorrow's looking bright!
Simon & Joel
Co-founders, GoalsWon
ps - big high five to Yasmin, Aya, Grace, Marleen, Mars, Christy, Jacey, Sophie, Iris, Samar, Jeremy, Guille and all other clients who asked for it!
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