After many months in development, the great app migration started this past week!

In fact, most of our existing clients have already made the leap to Ver 2 of our coaching app.

So far the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive from userland (phew) 😅

  • "I like the UI... really cool!"
  • "Loving the inbox and the labels!"
  • "I like the % of daily goals (graph)!"
  • "The sounds after submission are fun"
  • "So grateful for the dark mode feature!"
  • etc..

We also got super helpful feedback on bugs or things to change. Stuff we didn't pick up in testing.

eg- Yasmin let us know that our sounds still played even when the phone was set to silent (we're fixing it).

After the priority bugs are fixed we'll submit the production versions for Appstore's approval.

Once done we'll finally get a proper Apple entry instead of relying on TestFlight 🐣

Let's go!

ps - above are some screenshots from the new version. Some polish needed but already a big leap forward compared to the old app (anecdotally much more fun to use as clients ourselves)

Simon & Joel
Co-Founders, GoalsWon

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